Horowhenua District Council Rating Information

Simply enter a Street Address or VG Number in the fields below to search the Horowhenua District Council Rating Information Database for property rates.

The Horowhenua District is part of the Horizons region.  As such, rates for the Horizons Regional Council are payable but not included in the information provided here. Information on the Horizons Regional Council rates can be found on the Horizons Regional Council website.

Rates for your property for 2024/2025

Valuation Changes

At least once every three years every district and city in New Zealand is revalued to set the values that the council will use to charge the rates for the next three years. New rateable valuations for Horowhenua properties were sent out by QV in December 2022. These new values have been used by Horowhenua District Council to determine rating from 1 July 2023 and will be used for determining your rates for 2024/2025. To find out more about the revaluation process, please visit our How Will Revaluations Affect Your Rates page.

Revaluation doesn't increase the amount Council collects from rates, it just helps us to work out everyone’s share of rates. Rating valuations provide the means to share the cost of the rates across the district according to a set of property values that are provided for every property on a common date (1 August 2022). Using a common date means that every property is valued on the same basis and at the same time.

Long Term Plan 2024-2044

Horowhenua District Council officially adopted its Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024-2044 during a Council meeting held on Wednesday 26 June 2024. Alongside the LTP, Council unanimously adopted the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy, and the Rates Resolution at the meeting. The LTP took effect from Monday 1 July 2024. To find out more about the decisions made during the LTP Deliberations, please visit our Community voice plays a major role in Council's Long Term Plan Deliberations news item.

Search Tips

If you are searching by Your Address you can:

  • into the box "Type in Your Address", type in the street address number, for example "126" then continue to type in all or part of the street name, for example "Oxford"; ie type in "126 Oxford", then click on the correct address in the popup below the text entry box.
  • once you have selected the correct property, click on "Show Rating Information" to show all of the available information on the selected property.

When typing the address in it may take a few seconds for it to be found.

  • If you are searching by VG Number, type the valuation number in the "VG Number" box; for example "1505064500", then click on the correct entry in the popup below the text entry box. 
  • If you are searching by Assessment Number, type the assessment number in the "Assessment Number" box; for example "120857", then click on the correct entry in the popup below the text entry box. 
  • Once you have selected the correct property, click on "Show Rating Information" to show all of the available information on the selected property.
  • Click on "Start Again" if you wish to start searching again from scratch, at any point.

  • Type in Your Address: Or Type in Your VG Number: Parcel Number
    Or Type in your Assessment Number:


    All due care to provide accurate Rates Assessment details have been taken.  However, the Horowhenua District Council accepts no responsibility for incorrect information that may be provided. If you find information you believe to be incorrect please contact us to discuss correcting any errors. 

    Further Help

    For further information or help, please contact us on (06) 366 0999 or email enquiries@horowhenua.govt.nz